Panama Visas: Summary of 8 Panama Residency Visas - International Relocation Firm

Panama Visas: Summary of 8 Panama Residency Visas

This is a summary of the 8 permanent residency Panama visas currently available:

  1. Panama’s Pensioner (Retiree) Visa:

    Anyone over 18 years of age with a lifetime pension or annuity paying a minimum of $1,000 USD per month qualifies. Another $250 must be paid per month by the annuity or pension for each dependent. The annuity or pension can be paid by a private company, military, government agencies, corporations, a bank, an insurance company, or a Trust. This Panama visa provides several discounts from movie theaters, restaurants, hotels, pharmacies, concerts, and domestic airlines along with other products or services.

  2. Friendly Nations Visa:

    Citizens from any of the 50 nations considered “friendly” to Panama can move here with their immediate family and acquire a faster permanent residency visa than any other Panama visa. To qualify, the friendly citizen can either buy an existing Panama business or create a new business here or be employed in a professional capacity for a Panama professional services company. The 50 friendly nations are: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Marino, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United States of America, Uruguay, United Kingdom (Great Britain & Northern Ireland).

    Note: The two visas above are the only ones granting immediate permanent residency. The visas below require a two year provisional temporary residency period before qualifying for permanent residency.Professional Employment Visa: Foreigners working for a Panama company in a “professional” capacity paying social security taxes and holding a college degree and a professional license (if required by his or her country) can become a permanent resident after two years of being a temporary resident. The term “professional” is not limited to the definition in Panama’s Constitution or the laws defining a professional for citizens.

  3. Professional Employment Visa:

    Foreigners working for a Panama company in a “professional” capacity paying social security taxes and holding a college degree and a professional license (if required by his or her country) can become a permanent resident after two years of being a temporary resident. The term “professional” is not limited to the definition in Panama’s Constitution or the laws defining a professional for citizens.

  4. Panama’s Reforestation Investor Visa:

    A minimum investment of US$80,000 in a reforestation project certified by the government including purchasing a minimum of five hectares of titled land with an additional investment of $2,000 for each dependent.

  5. Panama’s Self Economic Solvency Visa:

    Three options exist to qualify for this visa created to attract wealthy foreigners:

    1. Minimum US$300,000 investment of equity in any Panama real estate with an additional $2,000 USD for each dependent.
    2. Minimum US$300,000 investment in a 3 year Panama bank CD. An additional $2,000 deposit is required for each dependent.
    3. Combining the first 2 options by investing in both a Panama bank CD and Panama real estate where the cash and equity total a minimum of US$300,000 (or foreign currency equivalent). An additional $2,000 USD must be invested for each dependent.


  6. Panama’s Business Investor Visa:

    A minimum US$160,000 investment in capital stock of a Panama corporation. The foreigner can be a shareholder and/or an officer. An additional $2,000 must be invested or each dependent.

  7. Married to a Panama Citizen Visa:

    This must be a valid marriage (not a sham) to a Panama citizen can apply for a permanent visa.

  8. Parents of Child Born in Panama Visa:

    The parents of a child born in Panama who is over five years old can apply for this permanent visa. The parents of future children born in Panama can apply for this permanent visa after the child’s fifth birthday.

These are just summaries. You must consult with our English speaking immigration department to understand these eight permanent residency Panama visas.

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