International Relocation Firm can help you obtain a Panama Maritime Visa.
The National Service of Immigration will approve, through resolutions, the protocols of procedure so that the migratory flow of seamen that enter Panama ports as crew members on ships with licenses of international navigation, be carried out in a prompt way in coordination with the associations, businesses and public companies that participate in these maritime activities with Panama ports.
The National Service of Immigration will create a registration of shipping agencies that operate in the Panama ports in order for them to function as responsible companies before the migratory authority. To enter into the registration they should fill out the form that establishes the institution and to comply with the requirements of it.
The representatives or agents of ships using Panama ports will be responsible for complying with the dispositions of Article 9 of the Law 60 of 1978.
The Panama maritime visa can be requested through representatives or agents of the ship, presenting the following documents:
1. Request of Panama maritime visa that includes: general, charge and license number of the maritime employee, data of the ship that hired them, hotel where they will lodge (if applicable) and date of shipment. Should the maritime employee embark on a ship with the Panamanian flag, it should be sealed by the Maritime Authority of Panama;
2. Letter of responsibility of the representative or agent of the ship;
3. Copies of the maritme worker’s passport;
4. Copies of the Contract of Employment sent out by the shipping business that hires him/her;
5. Copies of the notebook of shipment, sent off by the competent authority of their country and copy of maritime license (if applicable).
6. Copies of title of suitability in force, sent off by the competent authority of their country. The documents previously mentioned will not have to be authenticated nor notarized, except the letter of responsibility.
In the case that representatives or agents of ships need a Panama maritime visa extension due to unforeseen circumstances, they should present written application to the National Service of Immigration, supporting the motive of the request, guaranteeing the custody of the maritime employees and their exit from Panama. If the extension is denied, the maritime employees should be repatriated immediately at the cost of the representative or agent of the ship.
The representative or agent of a ship that will be anchored in territorial water or mooring in Panama ports will request to the National Service of Immigration the emission of an authorization of unloading that Pase a Tierra will be called a Maritime Shore Pass.
This request will be carried out twenty-four (24) hours before the unloading, with the following documentation:
1. Certification that the applicant is a representative of the ship;
2. Letter of responsibility of the representative or agent of the ship;
3. Letter of responsibility of the captain of the ship, that declares the list of its crew members;
4. Original and copy of the passports;
5. Original and copy of the maritime license.
When the ship is under repair or activities or loading or unloading, after the fifteen (15) days established in Article 7 of the Law 60 of 1978 has past, the representative or agent of the ship will be able to request an extension of the Pase a Tierra to the National Service of Immigration, subject to concept of the General Director or of the authorized public servant. For such effects, they should present:
1. Certification that she/he is a representative of the ship;
2. Letter of responsibility of the representative or agent of the ship;
3. Letter of responsibility of the captain of the ship, that declare the list of its crew members;
4. Proof of reservation of the hotel, in extraordinary cases;
5. Original and copy of the passport;
6. Two (2) Photographs;
7. Original and copy of the maritime license.
The National Service of Immigration will determine the costs for maritime migratory services, that include: receipt and departure of ships, shipment and unloading of crew members and passing, for extraordinary hours, card of pair to land, Pase a Tierra card, inspections or any another costs that are generated for services to the crew.
If you are interested in Relocating to Panama, or obtaining legal residency in Panama, please contact us for a personal consultation with International Relocation Firm along with a quote for our Maritime Visa services.