International Relocation Firm can obtain a Panama Specialist Workers Visa for you.
Article 15 of the Decree Law provides businesses that hire a foreigner as a specialist to obtain this Panama Specialist Workers Visa for a maximum term of (9) nine months which can not be extended.
The National Service of Immigration will create a registration of businesses dedicated to activities of a foreigner as a specialist inside the Republic of Panama, in order to function as responsible companies before the migratory authority, which will be updated anually. To register, businesses should fill out the formal application and submit the following documents:
1. Application for Panama Specialist Workers Visa;
2. Certificate of Public Registry;
3. Copies of the Notice of Operations;
4. Payment receipts for the installment of public utilities where the business is located;
5. Banking certification;
6. Last tax return, with its paz y salvo;
7. Police record;
8. Copies of form 03 of the Department of Economy and Finances;
9. Paz y salvo of the CSS.
To be maintained in the registration, the business should comply with Article 89 of the Decree Law.
To request the Panama Specialist Workers visa, businesses should comply with the formalities required in the Article 28 of the Decree Law and submit the following documents:
1. Application for Panama Specialist Workers Visa;
2. Three (3) photographs of visa applicant;
3. Document of identity of the country of origin or residence permit;
4. Proof of affiliation to the CSS;
5. Deposit of Guarantee, to account of the business contractor, in favor of the National Service of Immigration by the sum of One Thousand dollars ($1,000);
6. Panama Work permit;
7. Copies of the electronic (or printed) airline ticket of return to country of origin;
8. Proof of the hotel reservation or of the place of lodging;
9. National Paz y Salvo of the business applicant;
10. Paz y Salvo of the CSS of the business applicant;
11. Letter of responsibility of the business;
12. Proof of payment of the income tax pertaining to the value of the labor contract;
13. Affidavit of the foreigner before Panamanian notary.
If you are interested in Relocating to Panama, or obtaining legal residency in Panama, please contact us for a personal consultation with International Relocation Firm along with a quote for a Specialist Workers Visa services.